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If you have not worshiped with a church of Christ or with the Seneca church of Christ in particular, here is some information to familiarize you with our Sunday worship service.



  • There are no assigned seats.

  • The style is patterned after the examples and teachings of the earliest Christians in the New Testament.

  • The service typically lasts from one hour to an hour and fifteen minutes.

  • If you feel comfortable doing so, please fill out the brief attendance card located on the back of the pew so that we might have the chance to get to know you better.



Bible classes on Sundays begin at 10:00 AM, with classes for children, teens, college students, and adults. Our nursery is ready to receive children from birth through 24 months.  Worship begins at 11:00 AM and usually ends about 12:15 PM.  We have Sunday evening services at 6:00 PM, and Bible classes on Wednesday evenings beginning at 7:00 PM.


Leadership in worship is not limited to those formally recognized as ministers and elders.  You will see Christian men from various walks of life taking active roles such as reading scripture, serving communion, and participating in prayers.  We are concerned to include all members in our worship in ways that are biblical, orderly, and meaningful.



You will notice that our worship in song is without instrumental accompaniment.  We believe that acappella congregational singing both enhances our personal involvement in the worship and conforms to the New Testament example (acappella literally means “in the manner of the church,” or “as in the chapel”).



We celebrate the Lord’s Supper every Sunday.  Jesus established the practice of sharing the bread and the cup so Christians might weekly remember the sacrifice of his body and blood to make a new covenant with God possible for us.  We leave to each person the decision to participate in the Supper.



Typically following the Lord’s Supper, we provide an opportunity to make an offering.  Occasionally, we will also take a collection for special needs in our community or throughout the world.  As our guest you are welcome, but not expected, to make a donation.

The sermon is the time when the “good news” proclaimed and applied to our lives today.  We hope you will find it encouraging, relevant and Bible-based.  At the close of a sermon, the minister and elders will respond to anyone’s personal needs—a prayer concern, the desire to be baptized, an intention to recommit one’s life to the Lord, or other spiritual needs.
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